Zemira's Music Journey
To the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting...
I, Zemira Israel, am a Soul & Hip Hop PBR&B Singer Songwriter Recording & Performing artist of the nation of Israel, which is comprised of the biblical & beloved 12 sons of our forefather, Jacob.
I do my best to stay true to the meaning of my Hebrew name: “song” and “praise”, which was chosen by my lord Bezaleel Israel; my husband, that I am in subjection to. He's such a good man & great husband.

He is the head of my life and has guided me in the latter years of my music career, SUPER-Pbr&b-music producer, multimedia artist. I'm blessed & appreciative to have someone of his stature to help with my music career.
What I love most about him, is that he is in subjection to Christ, the black Messiah, the wonderful head of the nation of Israel. My husband is the head of our house. The Father in heaven ordained us to be one, and I am honored that he chose me to be his wife. I pray that with all the Father has given us, that in the end, we make the Father proud and be found worthy of His kingdom as joint heirs together, working to help rebuild the nation of Israel.
Did you know the song "Israel" was our first song together when we were getting to know each other back in winter 2011 in our courting stage.
It's also my 1st song I've written after being awakened by the Heavenly Father to the glorious truths of the holy bible. I'm so glad its been a blessing to so many.

I'm a daughter, sister, wife, mother, auntie, but I am most known for being a singer-songwriter, recording artist, & performer in the nation of Israel.
Singing internationally, at weddings (while the bride walks toward her groom), hair expos (singing the Woolly Hair Anthem to share the pride & acceptance for our Natural Woolly hair), open mics (to vibe out with other artists and new potential FAMs), and a funeral (to comfort those that are still living in that the spirit is in a better place now though sleeping in the spirit realm).
I've been blessed by the spirit of the Most High God to be used in creating Israelite Music to help convey the Gospel in its true light. And I'm grateful for these humbling talents to help share the good news.
I pray that the quality and professionalism of my music help to admonish the House of Israel; Blacks, Hispanics, & Native Americans and all oppressed children of God from the slave trade, to remembrance of their true heritage & nationality as the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel. We are the children of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob; the children of the slave trade according to the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28. Christ's sheep will hear and understand these words.
I pray that the world of Israel repent by keeping God’s perfect laws in the faith of our black Messiah, Jesus the Christ, according to Deuteronomy 10:12 & Revelation 14:12 ,1 Kings 8:46-53 & Revelation 1:14-15. And not look at each other as the enemy, but rather know who our true enemy is; the race of Esau, according t scripture. But most times we are our own enemies.
Black Christ Matters.
Inspired by God’s words, I use my vocals and penmanship to help wake up my core audience: those scattered abroad the planet earth; whom are the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel, the children of the slave trade; the 12 sons of Jacob:
1. Judah
2. Benjamin
3. Levi
4. Ephraim
5. Manasseh
6. Simeon
7. Zebulon
8. Gad
9. Reuben
10. Asher
11. Issachar
12. Naphtali
Young Zemira*******
I'm the eldest of four of my father's children, and I was born in Petion-Ville, Haiti, where my handsome dad, Woody, and
beautiful mother, Florence, are from.
I was raised up until 5 years old in Maryland with my loving grandparents and father for a better life in the USA.
Then I lived in the tri-state area of the United States with my father, lovely step-mother Regine,
gorgeous younger brother Reginald
and beautiful younger sister Rebecca.
Currently I reside in San Antonio, Tx with my incredible husband and my awesome son, Zechariah.
I've been writing, singing songs & performing for approximately two decades now. Growing up, music constantly filled my father’s home, who was born and raised in Haiti, with his vast record collection of oldies and classics.
He played new-school music from time to time as well, to keep up with the joneses. He even brought me music from time to time when he used to work for a record company moons back.
But it was the timeless Motown music that caught my attention growing up and other various artists, with the spiritual effects they have on people to change their lives for the good or for the unfortunate evil.
My father also sings beautifully...
His favorites and influences are Teddy Pendergrass & Barry White.
I prays one day my father and family, who do not keep God’s perfect laws, also start repenting real soon before Christ comes back to slay the disobedient & those who disregard him and His perfect laws according to what is written in the holy bible.
Engulfing myself wholly to music, starting around the young age of 8 years old, songwriting, singing solos at church & school recitals, going to piano school that my father graciously financed,
I now am learning guitar.
I fortunately soon found one of my gifts and purpose in life that I could share with the world.
While encountering multiple failures in my attempts at “making it” in the secular music industry,
In "Ess Vee"'s Studio
recording an original song of mine in 2007it was only to find out in time passing that I had an even greater purpose and mission from God Himself in my present future to my people’s aid ...in song.
Shortly, prior to the Most High waking me up to the glorious truth of the scriptures, during the month of October 2011, I attempted once more to pursue a music career as a songwriter to uplift my downtrodden people and help them change through the teachings of the volume of the books of the bible through God’s holy prophets.
I want to be used by God in the most fulfilling way to be a better living and sincere righteous example in contrast to the filth, evil and whoredom exemplified and saturated in the secular music industry today, due to the systematic conditions we're in, in which I know will only get worse. Unless God’s laws are taught in music to clean up the broken state of the Israelites today, it will continue to get worse before it gets better.
And that broken people includes myself; I am no different. But as I pick up the pieces I'm willing to help others do the same through my music along the way, the best I can towards the glorification & obedience towards the Father.
Fast forward to today, My ultimate mission is to help serve the same mission Christ has: to wake up the the lost sheep of Israel according to Matthew 15:24. The mission is to support and be a pillar to the Black, Hispanic & Native American, or those of the slave trade repenting, in resurrecting the lost sheep of the house of Israel through God’s words. I pray that Israel bethinks that they are the children of the slave trade and, ultimately repent by keeping God's commandments, through patience and endurance towards gaining immortality by keeping God’s laws in the faith of Christ.
I am determined and willing to do my part with music, in excellence and with the aid of talented people of excellence. For I like to say “we are the same Legendary People that individuals around the globe read about every moment they open any holy bible that was written centuries ago by our beloved forefathers of Israel; the same holy men of God who spake and wrote our historical records as they were moved by the Holy Ghost”.
I LOVE to perform. I've sung in music recitals, Black History Month venues, and national anthems for school basketball games, pep rallies and such throughout my schooling. I've even sang the alma mater every morning with my old girl group, “Bliss” (Left to right: Marie, Zemira, & Mariel), in my high school years and attended artist showcases and competitions with them too! Great source of practice to exercise performance muscles.
People used to call us the next Brownstone, SWV or Destiny's Child.
We sang beautifully as the years went by with synchrony, said our amiable music teacher Mr. Malyzsko, who loved our artistry dearly. We sang our high school alma mater every morning, live, up until Mr Malyzsko thought to record us in our school recording studio. Mr Malyzsko was my music audio engineering teacher as well. After the recording, the school just played that recording every morning instead of us singing live.
Mr. Malyzsko sent me our first ever performance together:
The music teachers loved Bliss at our high school and we were favored as a unit...also amongst our classmates, for between switching class periods we'd sing a capella songs picking the best acoustic spot in the stairways and hallways to help carry our voices out with a natural reverb acoustic sound for our classmates enjoyment.
Bliss was great because we also were best of friends first. I met Mariel at a bible study and we traveled with that church's gospel a capella choir group together, named "The Easternairs", around the US,
and we both sang many solos in that a capella choir. Mariel had and still has a beautiful voice from the Most High.
A year later, Marie moved from Florida to New Jersey where myself & Mariel lived, and our friendship gained a perfect 3rd member.
We all had unique beautiful stand alone voices. And we all had a father & mother of Haitian decent. We had much in common, too many to name.
Today Mariel is a Hampton University graduate and a music teacher. Marie is a Rutgers university graduate professional.
Bliss (from left to right: Zemira, Mariel & Marie)Our parents were born in Haiti. Only I was born in Haiti out of the 3 of us. We had some jokes about that always. Like what would it have been like if I stayed in Haiti for a few more years and gained an accent instead of coming to America at the age of one...lol Mariel had the best Haitian accent impersonation!Bliss with the prior chief editor of Essence Magazine after singing before her keynote speech at their East Orange Campus High School.Bliss at a singing competitionBliss with AJ of BET's 106 & Park show after singing before his keynote speech at East Orange Campus High SchoolBefore the Most High woke me up to His truth of His laws through Christ the Messiah, I was working with one of the songwriters of an artist by the name of Olivia from 50 cents' G-Unit team. I was pursuing being a songwriter in the music industry rather than an actual artist.
So to get my name out there I sang cover songs of already made popular songs and posted them on my Soundcloud and Youtube. I even did some cover songs with one of my good singing friend, named Felisha, who saw potential in my singing voice during Freshman year of high school while hearing me one day in the hallway. In return, I copied my piano lesson books at a local Walgreens and gave it to Felisha to learn piano as I did. Felisha was very appreciative. To this day Felsiha plays and sings beautifully at open mics.
October 2011 Most High woke me up to His truth and perfect laws, and I took a break from music to focus on learning my history via the bible and keeping God's commandments in the faith of Christ.
The picture above is a shirt I converted into a skirt. My lord Bezaleel designed this beautiful depiction of Christ from John's revelation of Christ in Revelation 1:14-15.
I kept making cover songs but I would not publish them until 2012. I even put out an original song of mine that I made before the truth, named "How Do You Know" that I published on Soundcloud & Reverbnation. I'm rarely on those platforms now. One of the cover songs I sang and put up on Soundcloud was Rihanna's "You Da One" song. I switched some of the words to be an ode to the Most High and Christ.
There were other songs published on Soundcloud and my fam base grew in the nation of Israel from there on out.
Then in 2014 I published my 1st debut album dedicated to the Most High, Christ & His people. Comment below if you remember the songs PRIOR to my debut album!
I started back up performing live again after my debut and sophomore album releases...and charging to do so as well.
I was honored in gracing Natural Hair Expo stages:
I am so fulfilled when I sing at these numerous weddings including singing lovely brides down the isle that I've had the pleasure in attending:
I've been in the Killeen Daily Herald News a couple of times:I've been in Killeen Daily Herald News a 2nd time with the Armed Forces Natural Hair & Health Expo's Owner:K254 Radio's Family Event was fun:I've been interviewed by the awesome 2NKT Online Radio!
And by Aljam of WVIP Greenzone 93.5 RadioI've also performed at other various events:
*******Although I had professional vocal training in my high school years with Bliss for a period of time, I also am grateful for the latest extensive aid and attention to detail in the year 2014, after the release of Legendary People, from my highly decorated Vocal Coach: Craig Derry.
Mr. Derry has had the pleasure in working with phenomenal artists such as the late Michael Jackson.
He also vocal trained international superstars like Marc Anthony, Mary J Blige, Alicia Keys, Anthony Hamilton & Angie Stone to scratch the surface. Oh! and did I mention Zemira Israel? lol
She has worked with vocal coach Dr. Callie Day, as seen on America's Got Talent.
Zemira Israel's single and collaboration "Sistar", featuring International Singer Songwriter Emerging Artist Award winner: La La Musiq, was mixed by her husband Bezaleel Israel, and mastered by Grammy Winner Nagaris Johnson. Nagaris Johnson has had the pleasure with working with artists such as Kanye West & Quavo.
Zemira Israel has had the pleasure of singing, collaborating, and performing at weddings, a funeral service, natural hair expos and shows, outside venue events, open mics, private home performances, church services, and more, with her husband as her videographer and hedge of protection safely by her side at every engagement.
Book them for your special occasion.
*******If it wasn’t for my repenting Israelite family‘s active support and love, and the producers and musical production team who spear headed the debut album: Legendary People,
and without the skilled instrumentalists such as super producers Bezaleel Israel, Jahleel Israel, & Azarayah Israel, the Legendary People album would not have been the success it is...nor would I have become the person that I am today, for the better, I hope of course. God is to be glorified through us all.*******
My newest and latest project was in 2018: "True Love Changes". It's my sophomore double-disc album. The album includes the same prominent men from the debut Legendary People with added phenomenal and legendary men and women collaborators, and awesome engineers.
Thank the LORD of Israel that Brother Josiah Simeon Ben Israel graced this project by becoming one of the Executive Producers on this project, investing in top notch equipment to ensure a more quality sound and production.
Prince David, aka "David Pic Conley", the Grammy Nominated Music Producer, Legendary Songwriter & Artist from the multi platinum trio group Surface, is also one of the Executive Producers on my “True Love Changes” album.
I had the utmost pleasure in gracing his recent album for the Holy Sounds of Surface on a few of the tracks: Download From Heaven.
Prince David has experience with writing and producing for not only his trio group Surface but also for legends such as Aretha Franklin in her “What You See is What You Sweat” release, and one of my favorite R&B Artists/Singer-Songwriter: Joe, to scratch the SURFACE... pun intended.
A vastly decorated Musician & Music Producer named Gene Lake, whose worked with the legend Maxwell and the iconic Parliament Funkadelics, to name a couple, also appears as a Mix Engineer on the “True Love Changes” album. He was a breath of fresh air to work with.
A young talented engineer, producer & artist by the name of Yeremiah Spoken Words, mixed the “Woolly Hair Anthem” on side B of the TLC album. He gave it the punch and love it needed for the masses! I really appreciated that level of care.
A young and lively Mix Engineer/Artist named Enos Zacuur Israel also appears on the album as a Mix engineer. He's super cool!
All credits are given in the hardcopy of the double disc album only at www.zemiraisrael.com
True Love is the Side A of the album and Changes is the Side B.
Side A of True Love Changes has more of the relationship and love songs for a righteous marriage, friendship/sisterhood, and the love for God & Christ in general.
Side B is about the changes I've gone through in life while being exposed to love and all its facets while keeping God’s commandments to the best of my abilities since the 4yr prior debut release of Legendary People.
The features on the album did their thing!
I say this: “I had to live a little to grow a little to share a little.” I don't believe in rushing a masterpiece.
Change is just another word for repentance. You will hear my own personal changes & vulnerability in every track, in hopes that someone else has gone through the same real life concepts in the songs on this album, and that the songs help them push through with comfort from the scriptures. I want my listeners to know that: “You are not alone. Keep pushing, keep pressing, keep going...keep the commandments of God in Christ. And endure to the end.”
Of course I'm so proud of the TLC album because I was able to record, engineer and produce it as well in the comfort of my own home, which granted me a lot of creative freedom and direction, and which is most artists’ dream working environment. Being in the mixing processes live and direct with the songs my lord Bezaleel and Prince David mixed on this album was, I quote: “Fulfilling.” I love that the producers, collaborators & engineers on this album respected my vision enough to collaborate with me and that they delivered beautifully.
I pray this album is able to edify and fill my listeners with the holy Spirit of the LORD. Here’s some encouraging words:
“All praises & glory to The Almighty & Invincible Black God of Israel & His son Christ the black Messiah! For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance, that I may glory in Him, though my righteousness is as filthy rags!
Thank you to all who constantly support at www.zemiraisrael.com and share the music on your personal social media outlets. Visiting my site and purchasing my merch means so much to me.
Thank you for all the streams from you listening to the music day in and day out when you could be listening to more famous and skilled men and women of the world. I pray your spirit be edified.
Thank you for all your shared testimonies about what the music does for you and thank you for sharing the music on your own personal and business platforms. I am humbled by it all. And am conscious to stay grounded in it all.
As I grow in spirit and in truth with you all I will continue to make music as the LORD allows.
Beloved Israel, I desire for the holy, just, patient, terrible and good God of Israel, and Israel’s Black Savior Jesus the Christ, to be glorified above all in my works.
Blessed be the name of the LORD and His people. Worship be to the God of Israel & glory to His son Christ forever and ever!
I hope to see some if not all of you soon or at everlasting life.
Keep the commandments of God in the faith of Christ, take care of your whole temple and endure to the end towards immortality.
Thanks so much for taking this journey with me. I know I'm not alone in this.
Shalom and may the Most High in Christ bless you above measure.”
-Your sister Zemira Israel, of the house of, my incredible lord, Bezaleel Israeli
Since the release of the double disc “True Love Changes” album, my lord Bezaleel and I have been working! Visit your favorite streaming platforms to witness.We’ve released many singles and have done headlining performances, and collaborations with award winning artists like Grammy winner Nagaris Johnson who mastered our single “Sistar”. He has worked with Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) and Quavo.
We’ve collaborated with ISSA award winner artist and singer songwriter La La Musiq on the single “Sistar”.
And we’ve collaborated with a 15 year old phenom producer on the song “Remember”.
Beautiful accomplishments happened after building relationships with ISSA award winner La La Musiq and Grammy winner Nagaris Johnson.I now am an ISSA member thanks to La La Musiq’s inspiration. Hopefully one day I’ll get to take at least one of their awards home.
Nagaris Johnson recommended me to be an official Recording Academy Grammy voter. He also submitted “Sistar” for Grammy consideration! November 15, 2022 we will know if we were nominated or not for Record of the Year and/or Song of the Year.
My lord Bezaleel and I are gearing up to release our 3rd album! Updates will be continued to be shared via email to the Ztribe.
Thats the end of the journey for now. More to share soon.
Zemira Israel
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