Strange Fruit | 2020 Cover by Zemira Israel
Don't use Spotify? Stream the song other places here
Baruch 4:25 My children, suffer patiently the wrath that is come upon you from God: for thine enemy hath persecuted thee; but shortly thou shalt see his destruction, and shalt tread upon his neck.
Link to Music Video coming soon
In light of the current climate in America with the never ending oppression that people of color face all around the world; particular the chosen race of God, I decided recording Nina Simone's Strange Fruit song version was fitting, just as it was fitting an approximate century ago.
The lynching of Jesse Washington, 1916
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Frederick Douglass's 1852 4th of July Speech
Although the song is about lynching, it is still so hauntingly prevalent today with the murders of my people; the black, hispanic and native indigenous men, women and children.
The Caucasian race and all nations who hate the Israelites today will pay a great price, not just because of our color but more so because we are chosen of God. I trust this will transpire in The God of Israel's perfect timing. This is long awaited justice and equity by the Heavenly Father's hand that is much needed in this country of America and in the world. Vengeance is indeed HIS.
I pray this recording will get people thinking, if nothing else, of the pattern of evil events concerning my people; the Israelites; the Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Indigenous people.
I pray that those who will hear, will receive and understand that the accursed Black and Brown people of this world who fit the sentence of curses by the God of Israel in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 realize and bethink themselves as the children of Israel that they are according to the holy KJVA bible. And with that knowledge, I pray that we all repent towards the Heavenly Father to hasten the glorious Kingdom of God at hand.
I pray others find solace in that truth.

I believe all our solutions and prosperity are in the Holy KJVA Bible if we just obey its commands like advised in Deuteronomy 28:1-14.
My version of Strange Fruit should be live this Thursday, June 4, 2020 on my Spotify page and other streaming platforms.
Don't use Spotify? Stream the song other places here
Thank you for listening to my version of this 81 years old song, and for sharing with those you know will care and empathize enough to listen...
Peace, Love & Blessings,
Zemira 🕎 ✍🏾 🎶🎤
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