Inquiry for Zemira Israel to Perform

*** Want Zemira Israel to sing at your special event, wedding or your beloved's funeral/burial

Follow directions below before compensating for Zemira Israel to sing for your Funeral/Burial or an other special event, and may the Father in Heaven bless you and yours and may HE occupy peace in your hearts.

Zemira Israel services

Have Zemira Perform Inquiry

See if you fit our criteria by signing up with your first name and email to receive our Artist Hospitality Rider Form in your e-mail. Please be informed that the form does not include our final total Artist Compensation Fee (which includes travel, gas for car, food & beverage. If more than a 2hr drive from artist location, additional possible airfare for 2 unless negotiated otherwise, lodge/hotel, car rental, etc). Thank you for considering Zemira Israel's Team for your special occasion.


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